60 Minutes tv wanted to put hoodia to the test; and as a consequence the social unit journeyed to Africa, specified the fact that the lonesome situate in the world where hoodia grows mad is in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa.

Nigel Crawhall, a man of science and interpreter, employed an weathered tracker who was a district native San, to aid brainstorm the ripe industrial unit. His christen was Toppies Kruiper.

Kruiper led the 60 Minutes crews out into a hoodia-growing zone of the Kalahari. When Stahl asked him if he ate hoodia, Kruiper (through the mediator) replied, "I truly resembling to eat them when the new rains have locomote. Then they're genuinely quite full of flavour."

When the social unit and the media placed a plant, Kruiper cut off a creep around superficial similar to one mode of trifling melon. He took off the caustic spines. Leslie Stahl, the heroic one, ate it. She delineated the drink as "a teeny cucumbery in texture, but not bad."

Stahl suffered no "side effects"; that is, no amusing bite in her mouth, no sickish stomach, no bosom palpitations, no nuthin'. And, she textile no hungriness end-to-end the day, not even at the contemporary world of her accustomed ingestion hours. She besides fabric no have need of or wish for to helping thing for the period of the day in the waste. "I'd have to say it did work," aforementioned Stahl.

Hoodia may possibly be new to current Western civilization, but the San, autochthonal to gray Africa, have been mastication the lush stems and leaves for perhaps more than than 100,000 geezerhood. They cognize what's perfect and what's not in their sector of the celestial body. Some of them unmoving singing in old established huts, and inactive pastry-cook "Bush food" concentrated from the godforsaken the behind the times way.

The introductory Western quantifiable research of the works was conducted at South Africa's political unit lab. Because the San were famous to eat hoodia, it was built-in in a scrutiny of original foods.

"What they saved was when they fed it to animals, the animals ate it and wasted weight," says Dr. Richard Dixey, the boss of an English pharmaceutical joint venture named Phytopharm that is now researching and developing weight-loss products based on hoodia. Hoodia's eventual request as an appetite drug was not instantly obvious, yet. "It took them a long-term incident. In fact, the first research was done in the mid 1960s," says Dixey.

60 Minutes visited one of Phytopharm's hoodia plantations in South Africa, one of the more that the establishment will involve if it's to congregate the awaited economic process for its article of trade. Plantation agronomist Simon MacWilliam is live next to burgeoning a billion portions a time period of hoodia, within fair a two of a kind of age. He acknowledges that birth the acres has been moderately a oppose. "The hitch is we're dealing near a fresh output. It's a industrial unit we've understood out of the windy and we're protrusive to burgeon it, says MacWilliam. "So we have no experience. So it's different- diseases and mice which we have to promise near." However, "We're precise confident of [growing sufficient to run into emergency]," he says. "We have got an increase program which is active to be 100s of land. And we'll be able - waiting to bump into the pressure."

This could be huge due to the certainty of civilization's obesity pandemic. Phytopharm's rife objective is to get meal-replacement hoodia products on supermarket shelves by 2008.

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