Could you, or maybe someone you know;

be habitually Driven by anxiety or fear$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

Number of entries Unfixed magnitude more than :Of the difficultiesability beside director :At whatever new peoples :Interaction gen and pictures

be habitually Defensive or insecure$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

be habitually Self-centered or inconsiderate$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

be habitually Annoyed or angry$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

be habitually Controlling or manipulative$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

be habitually, Disorganized, scattered or irresponsible$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

be forever denying personal responsibility or accountability

for poor planning, disorganization or irresponsibility,

often demanding, no less expecting, others to come to the rescue$%:

How could folks respond to you, or maybe someone you know$%:

Are folks typically enthused and energized by encounters

with you, or maybe someone you know;

or could they often be left feeling drained, fatigued or annoyed$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

be more defensive then spiritually ambitious$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

be an Energy Vampire$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

thirst for a more meaningful existence$%:

Could you, or maybe someone you know;

hunger for greater:

Compassion, Insight, Peace,

Devotion, Bliss and Love$%:

Then now, quick, hurry:

find an effective teacher of Emotional Alchemy,

receive his or her blessings and guidance,

put his instructions into practice

and accomplish the path in THIS life!

Why$%: Why$%: Why$%:

Because the alternative

is UN-thinkable!

Because the alternative

is UN-bearable.

Because the alternative

denies your destiny.

Lord Buddha was born

to accomplish full enlightenment in one life

and take away the sufferings of the world.

Are you ready for the secret$%:

That is also why we were all born.

It is exactly why You were born!


Now is the time for action;

Now is the time to find a teacher,

Now is the time to receive the teachings,

Now is the time to practice the teachings,

Now is the time to accomplish the path!

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